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 Free Preview of Unlock Your Potential


 “Unlock Your Potential combines pragmatic tools and an inspirational story to empower you as you consistently and persistently pursue your potential.”

David Meltzer
Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing, Bestselling Author, and Top Business Coach

“As an ‘Internet guru,’ it's tempting to lump Jeff in with the world of ‘bro marketers’ and hyper-masculine self-help-ers, but I found him to be the total opposite of all of that. His understanding of what it takes to be successful is matched only by his hunger to help others get there, too.”

Amberly Lago
Bestselling Author and Podcast Host of True Grit and Grace

 “Jeff is amazing. His heart is huge. And his work has impacted many, many lives. This new book is a true guide to reach that potential you already possess and harness it to achieve the life you always wanted. Jeff is a true genius in the business world who does what he says.”

Sir Marco Robinson
Award-Winning TV & Film Producer, 2X Entrepreneur of the Year, and Knighted Philanthropist

“Jeff Lerner is as amazing as he is smart. He's a $100 million success story, which usually makes folks keep their secrets to themselves, but he is as passionate as they come about helping others write their own success stories and ‘Make Shift Happen’ as I would say.”

Anthony Trucks
Former NFL Player,
CEO of Identity Shift

 “Jeff Lerner is a rare breed, an entrepreneur as selfless as he is talented. And while over the last decade his personal success has been fun to watch, what is most inspiring is how many people he takes with him. Now with Unlock Your Potential millions of readers can hop along for the ride —and definitely should!”

Kale Goodman & Trevor Cowley
Hosts of Real Business Owners Podcast, Founders of

“I've known Jeff since he was a broke musician just trying to ‘figure things out.’ To see what he's done, how he's done it, and what he is doing now is inspiring. I didn't even need to read this book to know it was a must-read, but now having read it... wow. Do yourself a favor and just read it."

Aaron Parkinson
Founder, 7 Mile Media

“I hosted Jeff at his first entrepreneurial training event and since I have known him he has had an insistent passion for learning. In reading Unlock Your Potential I see that passion has evolved into an equally strong passion for teaching and paying forward what he has learned, which he does par excellence.”

Jay Kubassek
Founder, The WAKEUP Co.


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